Grab Hire

Grab lorry hire Kent

Based in Ashford M Butler’s fleet of 32 Tonne grab trucks are available to hire across Kent and the surrounding areas. Grab Hire is a labour saving, cost-effective and efficient way to dispose of commercial or domestic waste. Our team of experienced Allmi certified drivers provide a fast and reliable Grab Hire and muck-away service across the county.

M Butler is an environment agency registered company enabling us to offer muck-away and the disposal of waste such as building rubble and earth, which, in turn, means your domestic or commercial waste will be disposed of legally. We always conform to the latest waste disposal rules and regulations.

All of our experienced Grab hire operatives hold the relevant operator and safety regulations; we operate around the clock, seven days a week. Should you need our grab service for a time-sensitive job outside of regular office hours, or even overnight, M Butler Grab hire will do all we can to facilitate your request.

Grab Lorry Hire Ashford Kent
Hire a Grab Lorry In Kent

Grab Hire Experts

Domestic and commercial Grab Hire Experts qualified and experienced driver operators available to hire throughout Kent and The South East. 

Grab Trucks Perfect For Muck - away & Aggregates

Whether you are a residential customer that requires the removal of earth, rubble or general building waste from a small groundworks job? Or a commercial utility company that needs a significant amount of clay or Muck removed? 

M Butler can help we posses the requisite equipment, skills, know-how and qualifications to make short work of any residential or commercial job.

Need a grab but hadn’t planned for it? We recognise the need for flexibility if you’ve come across an unexpected bump in the road and need a Grab in a hurry; we will do all we can to help; Grab Hire in Kent is available on a long or short term basis.

Our modern Grab vehicles can also be used to deliver building materials such as aggregates to a site of your choosing.

Typical Uses For Grab Hire